Helping you create and share your story to make an impact where it matters most.


2021 has been an absolute rollercoaster with ups and downs and everything in between - not just for Team Spear, but for many caught up in trying to find new normals in a ‘Covid world’.

The theme this year, we feel, has been centred around adaptability. For Spear, for businesses, for citizens, and for the Government. And going forward it seems that the more flexible we all become, the more opportunities we will find to thrive.

At Spear, our team grew with the arrival of Paula Pollock and Simon Clarke in April. The timing could not have been more perfect - as Lucy was off for maternity leave in May, and Ruth, our director and owner, was diagnosed with cancer, taking leave in June for the remainder of the year. 

With Lucy and Ruth stepping back, Paula and Simon literally had to ‘run the show’. It is no mean feat stepping into a new business and suddenly having to front clients and get on with things. Well done Paula and Simon - who are now well and truly settled in! 

We are also grateful to Nick Bryant, who provided Paula and Simon with guidance as and when required, particularly in periods when Ruth was completely offline. 

Despite these changes, Spear flourished this year, retaining existing clients and bringing on new ones.

Of course, we would not exist without our clients - and we thank them for their support and belief in us, and we look forward to continuing to partner with them.

Looking ahead, it would appear Covid-19 is a problem that isn’t going to go away. And more and more it feels like businesses and Government are starting to embrace a normality where it is essential to adapt as we go. In the context of this changing business environment, Spear has been privileged to help our clients enhance and protect their reputations, and access the right decision makers at the right time with the right messages, to ensure that simple, straightforward public relations strategies and tactics are a valuable part of underpinning their success.


The work we do at Spear is underpinned by values, which means we work with clients whose values we feel aligned with - and as a result, we love the work we do for them. They are good people, doing good things, and it is a privilege to be able to help. Our clients span many sectors -  education, primary industries, health, the environment, water, electricity, retail, legal services, and technology.

Our aim is always to add value and to ensure results ensue.


Thank you to all of our clients, friends, family, and colleagues for your support throughout 2021. It has been a year with unexpected twists and turns but we have adapted and with your backing have continued to grow and thrive.

We’re looking forward to 2022 and Team Spear returning to full strength so we can continue to partner with individuals and organisations whose visions inspire.

To read a bit more about Spear have a look at the Our Story section on our website. To find out what we can do for you, have a peek at this link For You.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy festive season - Meri Kirihimete!

Ruth, Lucy, Paula, and Simon

Instagram: @spearpr_

LinkedIn: @SpearPR & Communications


Phone: 021 104 6909


Ruth Lavelle Treacy